Office Automation

Printers & Office Automation

We offer a wide variety of office automation products and solutions, including copy, print, scan, fax & to more advanced high volume and large format printing. We as DisNoCool Telecoms is a proud Toshiba Copier Range Supplier and we are here to help you select the right printer and copier for your day to day needs. 

Reliable, easy to use, and cost-effective to maintain, Toshiba products are designed with the end user in mind. Technology has made office automation more functional and more efficient than it’s ever been.

IT Network Wifi Support
IT Network Wifi Support

When you have the option of buying your printers and copiers or renting them, you have options that will have you saving.

Toshiba copiers and printers are well-known for the effective use of toner and paper, which goes a long way towards lowering the costs that are involved in the use of office automation products. Our multifunctional systems are also designed to use far less energy, which again brings down the costs.

  • Digital Printing Machines, Copiers, Duplicators & Facsimile Machines
  • Month to Month rentals

Start Saving Today

And Boost Your Office Productivity With The Correct Solution


Digital Printing Machines




Duplicators & Facsimile Machines


Month To Month Rentals